Aug 06 2019Do you ever have those days where you work frenetically, but go home feeling “I got nothing done today?” So many of the clients I work with are overwhelmed. They get to the end of one task: there are tens more waiting. So they start with the smaller things (because that shortens
Mar 25 2019I saw a cartoon recently that made me laugh out loud. It was a drawing of a chicken and an egg lying in bed, happy, relaxed, smoking. The caption? “Well, that clears that up!”. Working in organisations, I come across a lot of talk about values: senior management are working them out and communicating
Mar 19 2019A little exercise I sometimes do with senior teams: I ask each person to write down what they see as the team’s top three priorities – and then we compare notes. It’s a great exercise because (a) it brings people into a reflective space and (b) it shows just how clear
Mar 04 2019I’ve always been slightly uncomfortable with the “there’s no ‘I’ in team” mantra. I get what it’s trying to do – to remove ego, to put the team before self. And I agree with that. But in the phrase, I also read a subtle undercurrent of ‘individuals don’t matter – don’t rock the boat’. Teams
Feb 27 2019One of the things we are good at in Ireland is funerals. Whether a death is ‘a blessed relief’ or desperately sad and unexpected, we bury people well. Funerals are held within a few days of death. The deceased will be ‘waked’, on view in their Sunday best, with visitors bringing food, washing
Jul 06 2018I love that silly old joke about the driver who is lost and stops to ask a local for directions. “If I was you,” says the local “I wouldn’t start from here”. Organisations ask a lot of their teams – “please work in this slightly unclear matrix structure while we initiate constant